Financial Services Tech Strategy

2022-08-11T16:05:02+01:00August 11th, 2022|Financial Services|

With the FCA regulator scrutinising everything in the financial services sector lifecycle and high inflation rates impacting everybody, having a tech strategy which improves your firm’s efficiency is crucial … We focus here on the financial services sector but all businesses should have a clear IT strategy which includes an assessment of where their tech [...]

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Is your Technology Strategy a winner?

2021-07-01T13:17:00+01:00July 1st, 2021|Productivity, Remote Working, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

Why are we asking about your Technology Strategy in the same sentence as mentioning all the exciting (or nerve-racking) sports events taking place this summer? As we write, the England football team are still in the Euros – how far will they go? Then there’s Wimbledon tennis, the Tour de France cycling, Rugby League and [...]

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