How an email can ruin your law firm’s reputation

2023-03-30T13:10:25+01:00March 30th, 2023|Cyber Security, Law, Security and Threats|

In this first blog of our series on email cyber threats to law firms, we look at how an email can damage your law firm and why it is still a big threat. A single email can destroy your firm’s reputation – and not an email you accidentally send to the wrong client. We are [...]

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Multifactor authentication not infallible cybersecurity defence

2022-11-29T09:41:37+00:00November 23rd, 2022|Biometrics, Cyber Security, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

We explain why using multifactor authentication alone may not stop a cyber attack - it's still a vital tool to use but there are other cybersecurity measures you should consider too ... Over the last few years, cyber security advisors - including Pro Drive - have been insisting businesses and individuals use multifactor authentication [...]

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Cyber security companies warn ‘Don’t be left in the dark’

2020-10-27T08:13:10+00:00August 19th, 2020|Accountants, Cyber Security, Financial Services, Law, Remote Working, Security and Threats|

Don’t be left in the dark. This is where your business could be if it’s hit by a cyber attack warn cyber security companies. You'll be shocked by the statistics ... Do you really know what’s going on with your IT networks and cyber security? If you don’t, cyber criminals do. The latest figures from [...]

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