Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail; Why You Need To Get Your Business Continuity Plan In Place

2018-01-03T11:42:34+00:00June 23rd, 2016|Business Continuity, Company News, Security and Threats, Technology News, Tips and Advice|

Companies today face an unprecedented number of exposures. The frequency and severity of cyber-attacks presents an ever growing threat, and reliance on a complex network of technology and supply chains is expanding. Both trends leave businesses susceptible to a variety of existing and emerging risks. Managing these risks by developing a business continuity strategy is [...]

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Security and Social Engineering

2017-12-06T19:07:06+00:00May 12th, 2016|Company News, Security and Threats, Technology News, Tips and Advice|

A study by a security firm, Proofpoint, identified that social engineering was the top cyber attack technique in 2015. Instead of focusing on automated attacks as in previous years, attackers are getting you, or your employees, to do their dirty work. If you think your staff and senior management team are that not that gullible, [...]

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Who Or What Is The Biggest IT Security Risk In Your Business?

2023-04-19T11:24:10+01:00April 18th, 2016|Company News, Security and Threats, Technology News, Tips and Advice|

It is incredibly frustrating for all businesses that to just to operate on a day-to-day basis, we need to invest so heavily in cyber security protection. I feel your pain as the MD of an IT services company we too need to constantly militate against security risks that might impact on our business operation [...]

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“Locky” Virus Spreading At An Alarming Rate – UK Businesses Must Take Action Now

2017-08-07T09:05:04+01:00April 18th, 2016|Company News, Security and Threats, Technology News, Tips and Advice|

We’ve all heard of hospitals being hit by highly contagious viruses such as the norovirus, but what about the ‘Locky’ virus that is spreading at an alarming rate in the US? This new variation of the Cryptolocker ransomware is effecting a staggering 60,000 users per day, the majority in the US and Germany, but UK [...]

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