IT services – Calendly appointment scheduling

2021-08-04T18:26:21+01:00May 18th, 2020|Tips and Advice|

We offer many IT services and are always looking out for useful tools to make clients more productive. Calendly is free Online Appointment Scheduling Software and it's one of our favourite go-to's. If you get fed up with organising meetings and trying to find a mutually convenient slot, this is for you! Save time [...]

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5 IT solutions & apps for better productivity

2020-10-27T09:54:12+00:00May 6th, 2020|Technology News, Tips and Advice|

There are so many apps and IT solutions out there aimed at helping individuals and teams to work more productively. They include those that focus on collaboration and project management, as well as specific tasks like calculations and are useful whether working remotely or in the office. Here are five of our favourites: 1. Microsoft [...]

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6 Ways You Can Automate Your Business Without Robots

2018-11-07T12:15:43+00:00December 15th, 2017|Productivity|

The UK government views poor productivity as the most significant modern-day threat to our future economy. Far more so than Brexit. Improving productivity is one of the Chancellor's pet projects. And if the numbers are to be believed it is easy to see why. If productivity had grown in line with the pre-2008 trend, output [...]

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Get Your Teams Working Together – Announcing Microsoft Planner

2017-07-18T13:20:52+01:00June 9th, 2016|Productivity, Technology News, Tips and Advice|

Productivity apps are all the rage at the moment, although – as we said in our previous blog – should not be considered a 'magic bullet' to organising your schedule or curing procrastination. Microsoft, who have produced arguably the most well-known and utilised productivity app of all time - Microsoft Outlook - are getting in [...]

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Productivity Apps – Are They REALLY That Productive?

2019-04-23T10:04:34+01:00May 19th, 2016|Company News, Productivity, Technology News, Tips and Advice|

I have just been to an excellent seminar on productivity – or, more specifically, how to avoid productivity 'traps'. This subject is close to my heart because our clients are investing in new technology specifically to improve their productivity. Therefore, we are constantly updating our knowledge and analysing what we have learned so that we can [...]

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Automate your life….using recipes?

2017-07-19T13:50:18+01:00July 9th, 2015|Company News, Productivity|

At Pro Drive we are big fans of automation - we love helping our clients become more productive by using technology to carry out mundane, low value tasks. But what about applying the same principals to your private life? Surely there must be value in increasing the time we spend with our loved ones, friends, [...]

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