5 steps to stop an email attack destroying your law firm’s reputation

2023-05-09T14:33:21+01:00May 9th, 2023|Cyber Security, Law, Tips and Advice|

In our previous blog post, we discussed the impact that email cyber security threats can have on law firms and how they continue to be a significant risk. In this follow-up post, we will explore what you can do to prevent an email attack from damaging your business' reputation. The Legal sector depends heavily [...]

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How an email can ruin your law firm’s reputation

2023-03-30T13:10:25+01:00March 30th, 2023|Cyber Security, Law, Security and Threats|

In this first blog of our series on email cyber threats to law firms, we look at how an email can damage your law firm and why it is still a big threat. A single email can destroy your firm’s reputation – and not an email you accidentally send to the wrong client. We are [...]

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4 lawtech fixes to ace your caseload

2022-03-28T22:58:23+01:00September 23rd, 2021|Law, Productivity, Remote Working, Security and Threats|

Lawtech can provide cost-effective solutions to the ‘time poor’ problem that many in the legal profession suffer. It addresses challenges affecting quality, security and communications. This will make a big difference especially as, post lockdown, law firm leaders are considering their growth plans in the context of their impact on staff wellbeing, increased scrutiny from [...]

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How we can help remove the security risks around your remote team

2021-04-21T10:53:43+01:00April 21st, 2021|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, Law, Remote Working|

Clients rely on you and they rely on your technology. So how confident are you that your law firm cyber security is top notch when people are remote working? This is the last in our current series on this important topic. In recent articles we have looked at the risks to your legal practice with [...]

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Who’s messing with your law firm’s cyber security?

2021-01-12T12:24:33+00:00December 16th, 2020|Cyber Security, Law, Remote Working|

If you think you’ve got your law firm's cyber security all wrapped up, be sure. Cyber criminals target busy, distracted staff with scams … we have a simple solution … Let’s be clear here, most legal firms have a level of cyber security on their office networks. As you're no doubt aware, rule 4.2 of [...]

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