Passwords are a pain without a password manager

2022-05-05T17:48:07+01:00May 5th, 2022|Cyber Security, Security and Threats, Technology News|

Passwords are an everyday fact of being online but they’re a pain aren’t they? Did you know Pro Drive offers a LastPass password manager service to help businesses keep their data secure? Everyone is online these days and businesses use numerous different apps in their daily operations, most of which need passwords. There is a [...]

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How to safely manage all my passwords

2021-12-15T10:25:55+00:00June 19th, 2019|Tips and Advice|

Imagine you had one key to all your most valued possessions. The same key that opened your car, would open the front door of your home or business, jewellery box or even you “Man Draw”! As practical as this may be what would happen if someone stole your key? We all know we shouldn’t, but [...]

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