How Pro Drive has a different perspective on IT support

2024-09-10T10:13:36+01:00September 10th, 2024|Productivity|

Over the last few years Pro Drive has invested significantly in changing the way we provide our IT support service. Our Operations Director Chris Morrell has taken to the blog to explain how and why. Recently I wrote a blog on how to choose a new IT support provider. It is a crowded marketplace [...]

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IT Tips: using Microsoft Tasks to improve productivity

2020-11-16T16:04:23+00:00November 13th, 2020|Productivity, Webinar on Demand|

Continuing our video series offering IT tips on popular questions, we look at Microsoft Tasks – how you install it, use it – and the benefits to team productivity … The idea behind Microsoft Tasks, one of the newest apps for Microsoft Teams, is that it works with the rest of MS 365. This means [...]

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6 Ways You Can Automate Your Business Without Robots

2018-11-07T12:15:43+00:00December 15th, 2017|Productivity|

The UK government views poor productivity as the most significant modern-day threat to our future economy. Far more so than Brexit. Improving productivity is one of the Chancellor's pet projects. And if the numbers are to be believed it is easy to see why. If productivity had grown in line with the pre-2008 trend, output [...]

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DLA Piper – A Business Continuity Nightmare That Cost Millions

2017-12-19T18:00:52+00:00October 30th, 2017|Business Continuity|

On the morning of Tuesday June 27 th, employees coming in to work at the offices of DLA Piper, one of the world's largest law firms, were met with an unusual surprise. A whiteboard had been rolled out into the middle of the building lobby with "Attention: DLA Employees" written on it. "All network services [...]

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Tech regulation in Financial Services should not be that challenging

2017-12-07T13:00:58+00:00October 25th, 2017|Compliance|

If you are in Operations or a Compliance Officer in Financial Services, it’s a busy and confusing time at the moment. MIFID II comes into effect in Early 2018, followed by the less well understood and somewhat mysterious beast that is GDPR. And all this is set against a backdrop of a seemingly ever increasing [...]

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iPhone updates causing problems? You’re not the only one…

2017-12-07T12:56:38+00:00October 4th, 2017|Tips and Advice|

Any iPhone or iPad aficionados will be well aware of the latest Apple iOS (the iPhone/iPad operating system). Version 11 of iOS was released with much fervour along with the latest generation of iPhone September 19th and iPhone/iPad users will have received notification of the update on their home screens. Many have updated but it [...]

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Attention Office 365 Business users – useful new apps!

2019-04-23T09:53:22+01:00July 20th, 2017|Productivity|

Microsoft do have a habit of adding a succession of relatively mediocre new applications to their office 365 suite. Often these are reinvented version of exciting features or an app that has been freely available elsewhere being merged with Office 365. However, starting with the recent release of Outlook Customer Manager some genuinely useful features are [...]

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How To Fly Into Disaster Without A Plan!

2017-12-19T18:01:30+00:00July 19th, 2017|Business Continuity|

Last month BA suffered an ‘IT problem’ that caused chaos around the world and resulted in flights being grounded. Depending on who you believe, the fallout is expected to cost BA between £80 and £100 million. Again, depending on who you believe, the problem was caused by a power outage. It is quite staggering that [...]

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MiFID II – 6 months to go – Are you ready?

2017-08-07T11:01:36+01:00July 5th, 2017|Compliance|

MiFID II The MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) is the EU legislation which applies to financial services firms involved in investment services and activities. The original legislation was applied in the UK in November 2007 and was intended to result in a more transparent and balanced marketplace across the EU. MiFID II, [...]

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