Remote working law firms and home setups

2021-04-08T17:07:18+01:00April 8th, 2021|Cyber Security, Law, Remote Working|

In the first of our three-part series on legal practices and remote working, we ask 'is someone reading your client data whilst your staff work from home?' The current lockdown might be drawing to an end but having staff working from home looks like it may be with us for the foreseeable future. Some people [...]

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IT for accountants – 3 questions for the board

2022-11-25T10:27:30+00:00January 27th, 2021|Accountants, Financial Services|

A lot has changed in the past year with IT for accountants and financial services - staff are working remotely, cyber attacks are rising – so tech performance must be on the boardroom agenda. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive disruption, with people having to work at home, while handling [...]

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Don’t panic! But prioritise your cyber security

2020-10-27T08:09:41+00:00September 2nd, 2020|Accountants, Cyber Security, Energy, Financial Services, Law, Remote Working, Security and Threats|

It doesn’t matter if you’re working in the office or remotely – wherever you are, if you don’t take cyber security seriously it could be very costly to you. Here’s what you need to know … In our last blog we gave you some stats which highlight the enormity of the cyber security threats facing [...]

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IT essentials for the ‘new normal’

2020-10-27T09:39:34+00:00May 26th, 2020|Cyber Security, Productivity, Remote Working, Tips and Advice|

We have some answers to common questions we’re getting asked about IT essentials, to ensure your business is ready for the ‘new normal’. First, let’s set some context. At the time of writing, the latest UK government advice is that millions of people will need to continue to work from home for the 'foreseeable future' [...]

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