Cyber Security

IT spring clean? Time for a tech review

2021-03-03T09:26:37+00:00March 2nd, 2021|Cyber Security, Productivity, Remote Working|

With the easing of lockdown restrictions on the horizon, businesses need to do a tech review to ensure they’re agile and efficient. When we were all put into lockdown the first time, it was a bit of a rush for many businesses to get their teams up and running from home. There was an element [...]

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IT for accountants – 3 questions for the board

2022-11-25T10:27:30+00:00January 27th, 2021|Accountants, Financial Services|

A lot has changed in the past year with IT for accountants and financial services - staff are working remotely, cyber attacks are rising – so tech performance must be on the boardroom agenda. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive disruption, with people having to work at home, while handling [...]

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Recent malware attack: ‘Sunburst’ update

2020-12-29T14:23:42+00:00December 29th, 2020|Accountants, Cyber Security, Energy, Financial Services, Law, Security and Threats|

A recent malware attack, mainly targeting the US government and known as 'Sunburst', has caused concern worldwide. SolarWinds, based in Austin, Texas, provides computer network management tools to a wide range of clients and announced recently that its Orion product had been compromised. Pro Drive want to reassure our clients that we don’t use this [...]

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5 solutions to technology challenges for a Silent Night

2020-12-22T14:03:24+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Accountants, Cyber Security, Energy, Financial Services, Law, Productivity, Remote Working|

Being responsible for a business can cause sleepless nights – especially with the technology challenges because they affect everyone … solutions here! … This year, more than most, your plans have been affected by forces outside your control, ratcheting up the tension. So let’s break down the pain points, including those technology challenges … The [...]

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Who’s messing with your law firm’s cyber security?

2021-01-12T12:24:33+00:00December 16th, 2020|Cyber Security, Law, Remote Working|

If you think you’ve got your law firm's cyber security all wrapped up, be sure. Cyber criminals target busy, distracted staff with scams … we have a simple solution … Let’s be clear here, most legal firms have a level of cyber security on their office networks. As you're no doubt aware, rule 4.2 of [...]

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How to defend against the latest Office 365 attack

2020-12-03T15:03:51+00:00November 26th, 2020|Cyber Security|

Following a wave of Office 365 attacks, compromising passwords, most organisations have now accepted that multifactor authentication is essential and have it in place. As a result, they may feel much safer, but as ever the criminals are one step ahead. A new form of very dangerous Office 365 attack, known as ‘Illicit Consent’ has [...]

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Locked down not locked out, with IT support for business

2020-11-25T11:13:00+00:00November 5th, 2020|Cyber Security, Productivity, Remote Working, Security and Threats, Technology News|

We’re in another lockdown in England, so check your computer software is cyber secure and provides suitable IT support for business … If you’re still using Office 2010 or Office 2016 for Mac, be aware that support from Microsoft is ending this year and they are no longer providing technical support or software and security [...]

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Remote working tips to help IT last longer

2020-12-15T13:17:25+00:00October 14th, 2020|Remote Working|

Here are 5 remote working tips to help your IT last longer, whether you’re at home or moving between sites. If you adopt some good habits as routine, you’re more likely to have happy tech. Q: First things first: how long do you expect your tech to last? A: We know we've added a slightly [...]

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10 business essentials for working at home

2020-11-25T11:16:20+00:00September 22nd, 2020|Productivity, Remote Working, Tips and Advice|

With today’s government announcement that we should be ‘working at home if we can’, here are 10 essentials you and your staff need. Most of us ‘made do’ when remote working during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, that’s no longer good enough and for businesses to look professional and reputable their [...]

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5 reasons you need Cyber Essentials

2020-11-25T11:17:44+00:00September 17th, 2020|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

Having Cyber Essentials certification not only protects your business but shows your clients and prospects you take cyber security seriously too. Coronavirus is something which is proving very difficult to control and is impacting our daily lives in ways that were unforeseen mere months ago. So, in business it’s vital that - where we can [...]

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