Cyber Security

Complete your Cyber Security Incident Response Plan

2022-06-28T16:59:03+01:00June 14th, 2022|Business Continuity, Cyber Security|

On 21 September, learn what your business needs to do if you experience a cyber attack and leave our workshop with a Cyber Security Incident Response Plan you can follow. Why? Because any business can be attacked at any time now. Sadly, as cyber crime has become more sophisticated and widespread, it is more [...]

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Workshop: Write a Cyber Incident Response Plan

2022-09-27T17:49:27+01:00June 9th, 2022|, |

Do you have a coherent plan all your staff can follow so they know what to do if you have a cyber attack? Sadly, as cyber crime has become more sophisticated and widespread, it is more a question of when rather than if your business is going to be attacked. What would [...]

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Why a password manager is a ‘Must Have’ right now

2023-06-15T17:13:48+01:00June 1st, 2022|Cyber Security, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

We look at why a bad password can ruin your day - and how a password manager can help you. Read the blog/watch the video - and don't just do nothing about it; we're all guilty of sticking our heads in the sand at times over cyber security but cyber criminals target just such [...]

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Create a Cyber Incident Response Plan

2022-03-30T15:14:29+01:00March 30th, 2022|, , |

AKA: What to do if you suffer a cyber attack Discovering and experiencing a cyber attack is a high-pressure situation where speed of response is critical. The faster you react the more likely it is you could limit the damage and show your stakeholders you have some control. The Government and cyber experts have warned [...]

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How to mitigate the business cybersecurity risks of war in Ukraine

2022-03-10T15:40:25+00:00March 10th, 2022|, |

This short Executive Briefing explains how the conflict in Ukraine has escalated the potential risks to your cybersecurity. Attend our live webinar at 1pm on 17 March to understand why this affects you and your business insurance - and how to be prepared for a cyber attack. Why this affects you and why you need [...]

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Our cyber security checklist for computer users

2022-04-14T17:12:05+01:00February 25th, 2022|Cyber Security, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

Below is a cyber security checklist of things we can all do to protect ourselves and our businesses when we’re online. — By Ivan Santos, Service Desk Manager As a result of the crisis in Ukraine, the government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has issued an update, calling on UK organisations to bolster their [...]

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How to transform your virtual meetings from horror story to brilliant!

2022-02-17T12:47:50+00:00February 2nd, 2022||

This is a short Executive Briefing on changes you can make to ensure your virtual meetings are the star of your hybrid working. Join our online webinar - 1 pm - 16 March. We move the conversation on from what we have all learnt about the challenges of hybrid working and online meetings over the [...]

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Cyber Essentials scheme January changes – be cyber safer!

2021-12-16T14:03:39+00:00December 15th, 2021|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security|

On 24 January 2022, changes to the Cyber Essentials scheme from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and IASME will be officially released. Here, we explain what Cyber Essentials is, what the changes are, what they will mean to businesses and how you can use them to improve your cyber security defences. If you are [...]

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Cyber Essentials changes – improve your cyber security

2021-12-16T12:55:54+00:00December 14th, 2021||

There are significant Cyber Essentials changes coming in January 2022 … attend our LIVE webinar at 3pm on 20 January to learn more and take advantage of the resulting cybersecurity benefits. Traditionally Cyber Essentials did not include cloud technologies, but this is all about to change. In the webinar we will tell you: What the changes [...]

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October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

2021-11-16T09:59:31+00:00October 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Yes it's another novelty awareness date for your calendar – but please bear with us as this really is an important one! Cyber Security Awareness Month has actually been with us a while and originates from the US based National Cyber Security Alliance who launched it to raise awareness back in 2004. Over 15 years [...]

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