5 smart business IT New Year’s resolutions

2022-01-04T14:08:41+00:00January 4th, 2022|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, Productivity, Remote Working, Tips and Advice|

We’ve compiled 5 business IT New Year’s resolutions to add to your list - some are free, the others will save you money in the longer term. If you haven't already, acting on these will help you work smarter in 2022 and beyond. Many businesses, especially those in regulated sectors and those with public sector [...]

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5 business tech Christmas gifts

2021-12-22T18:08:12+00:00December 22nd, 2021|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, Productivity, Remote Working, Tips and Advice|

We've got 5 business tech Christmas gifts that might be helpful to you – add them to your wish list if you haven’t got them already! 1. Does having to remember passwords drive you crazy? And does it always take so long to wait after you’ve clicked ‘Forgotten Password’? Do you use the same password [...]

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Cyber Essentials scheme January changes – be cyber safer!

2021-12-16T14:03:39+00:00December 15th, 2021|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security|

On 24 January 2022, changes to the Cyber Essentials scheme from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and IASME will be officially released. Here, we explain what Cyber Essentials is, what the changes are, what they will mean to businesses and how you can use them to improve your cyber security defences. If you are [...]

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Cyber Essentials changes – improve your cyber security

2021-12-16T12:55:54+00:00December 14th, 2021||

There are significant Cyber Essentials changes coming in January 2022 … attend our LIVE webinar at 3pm on 20 January to learn more and take advantage of the resulting cybersecurity benefits. Traditionally Cyber Essentials did not include cloud technologies, but this is all about to change. In the webinar we will tell you: What the changes [...]

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Cyber Security Advice and Resources

2021-11-25T19:45:32+00:00November 25th, 2021|Cyber Security, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

For cyber security advice and resources look no further! Whether you know what you want an answer to or don’t know where to begin; this blog has useful information and links. Firstly, it’s a fact that cyber security attacks are increasing, they’re a worldwide problem – and no one is infallible. So even if you [...]

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Mobile Device Management – what it is and using it

2022-03-28T23:02:51+01:00November 2nd, 2021|Compliance, Cyber Security, Tips and Advice|

Mobile Device Management is being deployed by many organisations. If you are using your business mobile device and your company requires a secure way of protecting the data on it (for example if they need to be certified to the UK Government Cyber Essentials standard), they may choose to put controls on the mobile device [...]

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October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

2021-11-16T09:59:31+00:00October 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Yes it's another novelty awareness date for your calendar – but please bear with us as this really is an important one! Cyber Security Awareness Month has actually been with us a while and originates from the US based National Cyber Security Alliance who launched it to raise awareness back in 2004. Over 15 years [...]

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Mobile device security – ringing any bells?

2021-06-24T14:42:08+01:00June 24th, 2021|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security|

If you have a mobile phone which you use for business do you wonder about mobile device security? Do you have any idea which of your staff have company data on their personal phones and whether it’s password protected? What happens if your device has confidential data on it and you lose it or it’s [...]

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Join our cyber security webinar with IASME

2021-05-26T15:28:25+01:00May 25th, 2021|, , |

Find out why the UK Government wants YOUR BUSINESS to review your cyber security. IASME Consortium, the Government’s NCSC Cyber Essentials Partner, explain the escalating cost of cyber crime on business and why the UK Government has decided it is YOUR responsibility to do something about it. With our partner Digital Surrey, we are very [...]

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How we can help remove the security risks around your remote team

2021-04-21T10:53:43+01:00April 21st, 2021|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, Law, Remote Working|

Clients rely on you and they rely on your technology. So how confident are you that your law firm cyber security is top notch when people are remote working? This is the last in our current series on this important topic. In recent articles we have looked at the risks to your legal practice with [...]

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