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Forget the Great War, Great Expectations and even the Great Gatsby; 2018 is all about the Great Migration. Everything is evolving and it only makes sense that the way business organise themselves will do too. [...]
With the summer holidays fast approaching, businesses often feel the pinch at this time of year. Companies are faced with the challenge of negotiating their team’s summer holidays whilst ensuring the minimum amount of disruption; [...]
With cyber crimes on the increase and the vulnerability of data at an all-time high, knowing how to send data securely is imperative in keeping your business safe. So, is email still a safe way [...]
Do you control what live streaming happens in your office? What are your staff doing right now….Working? Are you sure? Studies have shown that Brits spend around 122 hours watching and listening to sport each [...]
So May 25th has come and gone. After a last-minute surge, you have stopped receiving those privacy notices (mostly), your junk email may have even gone down in volume - although the spam you really [...]
Startups companies are appearing everywhere. Since the global recession, millions of people in the UK have decided that they would rather work for themselves, than work for someone else. Despite improvements in the global and [...]
We like to think, “Oh it won’t happen to us,” but when you are unprepared, it can be difficult to bounce back from a disaster. From fires to floods, heavy snowfall to a cyber attack; [...]
From “I’m sorry to see you go”, to “Urgent: Take action NOW!”, inboxes around the world are awash with panicked attempts to comply with GDPR and hold onto as many customer contact details as possible. [...]
New research shows that 2018 could be the worst year so far for cybercrime. In 2015, ransomware costs businesses $5 billion. Analysts are expecting this to reach $11 billion in 2018, with this trend showing [...]
In recent years, the number of startups launching in the UK and around the world has hit record numbers. More people than ever are throwing off the corporate life and taking charge of their careers [...]
Personal data is power. Decades ago, to steal data criminals would have to break in and take physical files or download data onto floppy disks or burn onto CD. Now our data is taken from [...]
Anti-virus software needs to get smarter, quickly. Traditional antivirus software can’t keep pace with today’s rising tide of threats. From shady state actors to cybercriminals and hackers, the size, volume and complexity of threats facing [...]
Business continuity is mission critical. Without a plan for what happens should systems go down, or if disaster strikes, it could cost your business a small fortune. When we think of potential disasters, we often [...]
Data is a precious commodity. Especially in regulated industries. Cybercriminals will do anything they can to grab the secrets off your smartphone. Professionals in regulated sectors, such as legal and financial services, have come to [...]
With many of us waking up to snowy scenes across the country today, it can mean a winter wonderland for some. But the reality is frustration for others, with commuting through standing traffic a struggle, [...]
13th January 2018 marked a significant development in the banking ecosystem when a new directive called Open Banking came into force. This has the potential to disrupt the UK financial services sector and transform the [...]
Is your workforce in the office? More and more law firms are offering staff the opportunity to work remotely, whether from a home office or from co-working spaces and cafes between client appointments. This trend [...]
For many organisations big data presents challenges and opportunities. No more so than in the financial services sector where the regulatory landscape provides an additional level of complexity. Many FS institutions are so overwhelmed by [...]
The UK government views poor productivity as the most significant modern-day threat to our future economy. Far more so than Brexit. Improving productivity is one of the Chancellor's pet projects. And if the numbers are [...]
Spoiler alert! This is not another one of those articles about GDPR designed to put CEOs, Compliance Officers and CISCOs into a state of panic about how to get their business compliant by May 2018. [...]