Managing mobile devices in your business

2017-08-07T10:51:55+01:00May 6th, 2014|Company News, Productivity, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

Until not that long ago choosing a mobile device for your business was simple – it would be a Blackberry.  Their messaging ability and more importantly the ability to deploy, manage and secure them in a business was light years ahead of the competition. However things change rapidly in the technology world and for many [...]

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Heartbleed Bug

2017-08-08T09:57:58+01:00April 14th, 2014|Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

You will no doubt have read about the Heartbleed bug affecting some web based systems which was widely reported in the national press last week. There is a significant amount of confusing and often conflicting information about what action you may need to take. So here is the Pro Drive view on it: What is [...]

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3 essential tips for safer web browsing

2017-08-07T15:50:52+01:00April 10th, 2014|Company News, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

#1 Beware of pop ups advertising free antivirus scans or software updates Rogue security software or “scare ware” is employed by criminal gangs attempting to lure people into fraudulent transactions. Initially on PCs, it has now appeared on certain smartphones running Android, a new but inevitable twist. Ensure you know what security software you have [...]

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How can IT work with the business for incremental growth?

2017-08-08T15:04:20+01:00February 27th, 2014|Company News, Tips and Advice|

This article is not trying to get you to shift your whole business to the cloud. The real question right now for businesses is “how can I use the incremental benefits of opex based services to mitigate costs in growing my business?” Apparently there is a hesitant upturn in the economy of late and if [...]

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What is IT asset management and why should I be doing it?

2017-08-08T15:39:01+01:00February 24th, 2014|Company News, Tips and Advice|

Have you ever considered how many IT assets your business has? You might have an idea; you may even keep a spreadsheet. But what do you track? PCs perhaps, mobiles even. But what about servers? Networking hardware? Printers? Warranty? Software? Service Contracts? Subscriptions? And do you get alerted when agreements need renewing? And how does [...]

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Is your PC under warranty?

2017-08-08T15:08:15+01:00February 20th, 2014|Company News, Tips and Advice|

How frustrating is it when your laptop or PC fails? You suspect that it is under warranty but you have long since filed or thrown away the paperwork. Would it not be great if there was a simple way of checking whether it is covered by warranty? Well the good news is that with most [...]

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What is ‘your complete office in the cloud’ and why do you need one?

2017-12-06T19:30:11+00:00January 31st, 2014|Company News, Productivity, Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

No doubt most of us have now seen Office 365 advertised on the TV, radio and of course the web and many of us are probably wondering what exactly it is? After all a ‘complete office in the cloud’ is probably not the most distinct definition for an IT system. To understand what Office 365 [...]

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Is your business data leaking through personal devices?

2017-08-08T12:10:51+01:00November 15th, 2013|Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

Although Bring Your own Device (BYoD) seems to have been discussed in enterprise organisations for what seems like years, Pro Drive are finding that the reality is that it is the small to medium (SME) clients that really need to balance the flexibility of enabling access to key information or applications like email with the [...]

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Disposing of your old IT equipment – are you compliant?

2017-08-07T16:16:04+01:00October 11th, 2013|Security and Threats, Tips and Advice|

It is great for the productivity of your business when you are able to invest in new equipment, and many organisations now appreciate that a regular upgrade programme will more than repay the investment. However have you considered what happens to your old equipment and what your responsibilities are? Do you have internal operating procedures [...]

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