What’s all this about a new ribbon?

2018-10-05T13:05:22+01:00October 4th, 2018|Technology News|

After 10 years of the now infamous 'ribbon' toolbar, Microsoft has decided it’s now time for a redesign of the interface for it’s office suite.  Don't panic though, for those of you who are dreading a major overhaul, such as the one we saw introduced with Office 2007 (if you are lucky enough to remember [...]

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Gone Phishing? How to deal with a phishing email

2018-09-26T09:28:55+01:00September 26th, 2018|Technology News, Tips and Advice|

What is phishing? Technically speaking it is ‘the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy contact, normally in an electronic communication such as email.’ Realistically it’s every business owners nightmare. Staff clicking on a seemingly legitimate email and unlocking mountains of sensitive data, potentially causing a lot of [...]

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Emerging technology in the workplace

2018-08-03T14:55:28+01:00July 12th, 2018|Technology News|

Technology is evolving all the time; futuristic inventions such as the Alexa and electric cars were once something only seen in movies and are now a part of our daily lives. Having the ability to control things with our voice or our mind, are becoming more popular in the workplace too. With robots taking the [...]

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Best Foot Forward: IT Essentials for Startups

2020-10-15T13:54:36+01:00May 23rd, 2018|Technology News|

Startups companies are appearing everywhere. Since the global recession, millions of people in the UK have decided that they would rather work for themselves, than work for someone else. Despite improvements in the global and national economy, this trend shows no signs of slowing down. In 2015, 608,100 new businesses were incorporated, up 4.6% on [...]

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Open Banking – Big Opportunities For Your Company

2018-03-27T16:22:57+01:00January 26th, 2018|Technology News|

13th January 2018 marked a significant development in the banking ecosystem when a new directive called Open Banking came into force. This has the potential to disrupt the UK financial services sector and transform the way we handle money. The Open Banking programme is designed to open up banking data, forcing the UK’s nine largest [...]

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Adobe Flash dowsed: Creatives seeking new platforms

2017-09-15T11:57:37+01:00August 14th, 2017|Technology News|

On 25 July, Adobe finally put a date on switching off support for its Adobe Flash. They said: “…we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to new open formats.” Launched in November 1996, Adobe Flash’s security weaknesses were [...]

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Windows 10 Latest Updates – The Good, the Bad and the Unnecessary

2018-06-06T12:04:27+01:00July 4th, 2017|Technology News|

Windows 10 Creators Update, AKA Redstone 2 (RS2) build, version number 1703 was released to public April 11, 2017 but Microsoft is rolling out the update in phases so it's taken a few months to reaching all Windows 10 PCs. I just got it! Here is a short list of the most interesting new features, [...]

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Security Taken Seriously – Chrome 59

2020-12-15T13:20:28+00:00June 27th, 2017|Technology News|

Google announced this Monday the release of Chrome 59, a version full of design and functionality improvements, but most importantly, fixes for 30 vulnerabilities. Researchers found, amongst other things, a vulnerability in the credit card autofill and editor feature. That might explain how my credit card details fell in the wrong hand 1 month ago! [...]

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The New Outlook Customer Manager

2017-08-07T11:06:19+01:00June 27th, 2017|Technology News|

Do you want to track and grow customer relationships but you don’t have an expensive CRM solution to help you? Microsoft has now made available a Customer Manager add-on to Outlook, at no extra cost! Chances are you have already joined the rest of the world in migrating your email to Office 365 and possibly [...]

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Antispam tools invading your digital privacy

2018-06-06T12:02:46+01:00June 20th, 2017|Business Continuity, Company News, Compliance, Productivity, Security and Threats, Technology News, Tips and Advice|

  I recently blogged about how we can be our own worst enemies in disclosing our online identity. And how the companies we provide this information to sell it to allow people to target you with marketing and advertising campaigns. Since writing this a colleague brought to my attention a recent story involving a popular [...]

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