Why being Cyber Essentials Certified is ESSENTIAL

2020-10-27T11:55:12+00:00August 22nd, 2019|Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, Law|

Is your company Cyber Essentials certified? If not, you may be missing out… Cyber Essentials is a UK Government standard based around configuring your IT systems in line with best practices and helping you to guard against the most common cyber threats. In fact, it is estimated that when implemented correctly, it should block about 80% [...]

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What is Cyber Essentials and why does my Law firm need to have it?

2020-07-16T09:21:13+01:00July 26th, 2018|Compliance, Cyber Essentials, Cyber Security, GDPR, Law, Security and Threats|

If you are reading this article there is a good chance you already know what Cyber Essentials is.  For those that do not, Cyber Essentials is a UK Government backed standard for business cyber security which helps you guard against the most common Cyber Security threats. In fact experts believe that by adopting Cyber Essentials [...]

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Cyber security issues facing legal firms

2020-07-16T09:23:10+01:00September 14th, 2017|Law, Uncategorized|

After a slow start with many legal firms taking a back seat when it comes to digital transformation, the industry as a whole has now become more connected and mobile. While law firms still have significant concerns about compliance and damage to reputation - if a firm was to suffer a data breach - the [...]

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